Entities for the Enceladus V2 subgraph are all listed below.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | enceladus address |
totalAllocPoint | BigInt | total NVLS allocation point |
pools | [Pools] | array of pools |
poolCount | BigInt | number of pools |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp |
block | BigInt | block |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | index of pool |
enceladus | Enceladus | Enceladus |
pair | Bytes | pair address |
rewarder | Rewarder | rewarder |
allocPoint | BigInt | allocation point |
lastRewardBlock | BigInt | last reward block |
accNvlsPerShare | BigInt | accumulated NVLS per share |
users | [User] | array of users |
userCount | BigInt | number of users |
nvlpBalance | BigDecimal | NVLP balance |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp |
block | BigInt | block |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | rewarder address |
rewardToken | Bytes | reward token address |
rewardPerSecond | BigInt | rewards per second |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp |
block | BigInt | block |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | pool ID concatenated with user address |
address | Bytes | user address |
pool | Pool | pool |
amount | BigInt | amount |
rewardDebt | BigInt | amount of reward debt |
nvlsHarvested | BigDecimal | amount of NVLS harvested |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp |
block | BigInt | block |