Entities for the Exchange subgraph are all listed below.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | factory address |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | all time volume across pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
volumeETH | BigDecimal | all time volume across pairs stored as a derived amount of ETH |
untrackedVolumeUSD | BigDecimal | all time untracked volume across pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
liquidityUSD | BigDecimal | all time liquidity across pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
liquidityETH | BigDecimal | all time liquidity across pairs stored as a derived amount of ETH |
txCount | BigInt | all time transaction count |
tokenCount | BigInt | token count |
pairCount | BigInt | pair count |
userCount | BigInt | user count |
pairs | [Pairs] | array of pair ids |
tokens | [Token] | array of tokens |
hourData | [HourData] | array of hour data |
dayData | [DayData] | array of day data |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | token address |
factory | Factory | factory |
symbol | String | token symbol |
name | String | token name |
decimals | BigInt | token decimals |
totalSupply | BigInt | total supply of token |
volume | BigDecimal | amount of token traded all time across all pairs |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | amount of token traded all time across all pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
untrackedVolumeUSD | BigDecimal | all time untracked volume across all pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
txCount | BigInt | all time transaction count of token across all pairs |
liquidity | BigDecimal | amount of token provided as liquidity across all pairs |
derivedETH | BigDecimal | ETH per token |
whitelistPairs | [Pair] | array of whitelisted pairs |
hourData | [TokenHourData] | array of token hour data |
dayData | [TokenDayData] | array of token day data |
basePairs | [Pair] | array of base pairs |
quotePairs | [Pair] | array of quote pairs |
basePairsDayData | [PairDayData] | array of hour data |
quotePairsDayData | [PairDayData] | array of day data |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | pair address |
factory | Factory | factory |
name | String | pair name |
token0 | Token | reference to token0 stored in pair contract |
token1 | Token | reference to token1 stored in pair contract |
reserve0 | BigDecimal | reserve of token0 |
reserve1 | BigDecimal | reserve of token1 |
totalSupply | BigDecimal | total supply of liquidity token distributed to liquidity providers |
reserveETH | BigDecimal | total liquidity in pair stored as amount of ETH |
reserveUSD | BigDecimal | total liquidity in pair stored as amount of USD |
trackedReserveETH | BigDecimal | used for separating per pair reserves and global |
token0Price | BigDecimal | token0 per token1 |
token1Price | BigDecimal | token1 per token0 |
volumeToken0 | BigDecimal | amount of token0 swapped on this pair |
volumeToken1 | BigDecimal | amount of token1 swapped on this pair |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | all time volume on this pair stored as a derived amount of USD |
untrackedVolumeUSD | BigDecimal | all time untracked volume on this pair stored as a derived amount of USD |
txCount | BigInt | all time transaction count on this pair |
liquidityProviderCount | BigInt | liquidity provider count for this pair |
liquidityPositions | [LiquidityPosition] | array of liquidity positions |
liquidityPositionSnapshots | [LiquidityProvisionSnapshot] | array of snapshots |
dayData | [PairDayData] | pair day data |
hourData | [PairHourData] | pair hour data |
mints | [Mint] | array of mints for pair |
burns | [Burn] | array of burns for pair |
swaps | [Swap] | array of swaps for pair |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp |
block | BigInt | block contract was created at |
A user entity is created for any unknown address that provides liquidity to a pool on Nevellus. It can be used to track active liquidity positions and all time value in USD of swaps performed by the user.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | user address |
liquidityPositions | [LiquidityPosition] | array of active liquidity positions |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | pair address |
user | User | user reference |
pair | Pair | pair reference |
liquidityTokenBalance | BigDecimal | amount of liquidity token |
snapshots | [LiquidityPositionSnapshot] | array of liquidity position snapshots |
block | Int | block |
timestamp | Int | timestamp |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | id |
liquidityPosition | LiquidityPosition | liquidity position |
timestamp | Int | timestamp for quick historical lookups |
block | Int | block number for quick historical lookups |
user | User | user |
pair | Pair | pair |
token0PriceUSD | BigDecimal | token0 price in USD |
token1PriceUSD | BigDecimal | token1 price in USD |
reserve0 | BigDecimal | snapshot of pair token0 reserves |
reserve1 | BigDecimal | snapshot of pair token1 reserves |
reserveUSD | BigDecimal | snapshot of pair reserves in USD |
liquidityTokenTotalSupply | BigDecimal | snapshot of pool's token supply |
liquidityTokenBalance | BigDecimal | snapshot of user's pool token balance |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | transaction hash |
blockNumber | BigInt | block transaction was mined |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp transaction was created |
mints | [Mint] | array of Mint events |
burns | [Burn] | array of Burn events |
swaps | [Swap] | array of Swap events |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | transaction hash, a hyphen and the index in the transaction mint array, concatenated |
transaction | Transaction | reference to transaction |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp mint was created |
pair | Pair | reference to pair |
to | Bytes | address of recipient |
liquidity | BigDecimal | amount of liquidity tokens minted |
sender | Bytes | address of initiator |
amount0 | BigDecimal | amount of token0 |
amount1 | BigDecimal | amount of token1 |
logIndex | BigInt | index in the transaction event that was emitted |
amountUSD | BigDecimal | value of token0 and token1 in USD |
feeTo | Bytes | address of fee recipient |
feeLiquidity | BigDecimal | amount of liquidity sent to fee recipient |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | transaction hash, a hyphen and the index in the transaction burn array, concatenated |
transaction | Transaction | reference to transaction |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp burn was created |
pair | Pair | reference to pair |
to | Bytes | address of recipient |
liquidity | BigDecimal | amount of liquidity tokens burned |
sender | Bytes | address of initiator |
amount0 | BigDecimal | amount of token0 burned |
amount1 | BigDecimal | amount of token1 burned |
logIndex | BigInt | index in the transaction event that was emitted |
amountUSD | BigDecimal | value of token0 and token1 in USD |
complete | Boolean | false in ETH case |
feeTo | Bytes | address of fee recipient |
feeLiquidity | BigDecimal | amount of liquidity sent to fee recipient |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | transaction hash, a hyphen and the index in the transaction burn array, concatenated |
transaction | Transaction | reference to transaction |
timestamp | BigInt | timestamp swap was created |
pair | Pair | reference to pair |
sender | Bytes | address of initiator |
amount0In | BigDecimal | amount of token0 to swap |
amount1In | BigDecimal | amount of token1 to swap |
amount0Out | BigDecimal | amount of token0 received |
amount1Out | BigDecimal | amount of token1 received |
to | Bytes | address of recipient |
logIndex | BigInt | index in the transaction event that was emitted |
amountUSD | BigDecimal | value of token0 and token1 in USD |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | transaction hash, a hyphen and the index in the transaction burn array, concatenated |
ethPrice | BigDecimal | price of ETH in USD |
Combined pair data aggregated daily.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | unix timestamp for the start of the day / 86400 |
factory | Factory | factory |
date | Int | unix timestamp for the start of the day |
volumeETH | BigDecimal | volume across all pairs stored as a derived amount of ETH |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | volume across all pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
untrackedVolume | BigDecimal | untracked volume across all pairs |
liquidityETH | BigDecimal | total liquidity across all pairs stored as a derived amount of ETH |
liquidityUSD | BigDecimal | total liquidity across all pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
txCount | BigInt | total number of transactions |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | unix timestamp for the start of hour |
factory | Factory | factory |
date | Int | unix timestamp for the start of the day |
volumeETH | BigDecimal | volume across all pairs stored as a derived amount of ETH |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | volume across all pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
untrackedVolume | BigDecimal | untracked volume across all pairs |
liquidityETH | BigDecimal | total liquidity across all pairs stored as a derived amount of ETH |
liquidityUSD | BigDecimal | total liquidity across all pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
txCount | BigInt | total number of transactions |
Pair data aggreated daily.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | pair address concatenated with day id (unix timestamp for the start of the day / 86400) |
date | Int | unix timestamp for the start of the day |
pairAddress | Bytes | pair address |
token0 | Token | token0 reference |
token1 | Token | token1 reference |
reserveUSD | BigDecimal | reserve of token0 and token1 as the derived amount of USD |
volumeToken0 | BigDecimal | amount of token0 swapped |
volumeToken1 | BigDecimal | amount of token1 swapped |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | volume of pairs as the derived amount of USD |
txCount | BigInt | amount of transactions on pair |
Token data across related pairs aggregated daily.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | pair address concatenated with day id (unix timestamp for the start of the day / 86400) |
date | Int | unix timestamp for the start of the day |
token | Token | token reference |
volume | BigDecimal | amount of token swapped across related pairs |
volumeETH | BigDecimal | amount of token swapped across related pairs stored as a derived amount of ETH |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | amount of token swapped across related pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
txCount | BigInt | amount of transactions with this token across related pairs |
liquidity | BigDecimal | amount of tokens deposited across related pairs |
liquidityETH | BigDecimal | amount of tokens deposited across related pairs stored as ETH |
liquidityUSD | BigDecimal | amount of tokens deposited across related pairs stored as USD |
priceUSD | BigInt | token price in USD |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID | hour start timestamp concatenated with date |
date | Int | unix timestamp for the start of the hour |
token | Token | token reference |
volume | BigDecimal | amount of token swapped across related pairs |
volumeETH | BigDecimal | amount of token swapped across related pairs stored as a derived amount of ETH |
volumeUSD | BigDecimal | amount of token swapped across related pairs stored as a derived amount of USD |
txCount | BigInt | amount of transactions with this token across related pairs |
liquidity | BigDecimal | amount of tokens deposited across related pairs |
liquidityETH | BigDecimal | amount of tokens deposited across related pairs stored as ETH |
liquidityUSD | BigDecimal | amount of tokens deposited across related pairs stored as USD |
priceUSD | BigInt | token price in USD |